Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was at the store this morning while Hayden was at preschool and a woman who worked at the store came over and looked and the boys and "oohed" and "aahed". Then she said, "Are they girls?" WHAT? When Hayden was a baby, she had no hair and could pass for a boy but my goodness they are 20 months old and ALL BOY!!!! Holy crap is all I have to say to that lady!


karin said...

That is ridiculous. They are total boys. People just don't even think before they speak.

I would tell you if I thought your boys looked like girls.

jaredandjen said...

Your boys totally look like boys. I used to get that all the time with Sam even when he was wearing all blue. Some people just are not very observant. A few posts ago you mentioned how the grocery car with one of boys got away from you in the parking lot. It totally happened to me last night. I was putting something in the car while Sam was still in the cart and the cart started rolling down the parking lot, I didn't even know until someone started honking, I looked up to see him rolling away. Scary.