We had a talent show on our first night. Hayden did a hula dance.
Link sang "Families Can Be Together Forever."
Spencer sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and...
he shook his booty in the middle of the performance!
My brother, Kipp, and Spence.
Joey found a long piece of kelp on the beach and we used it as a jump rope. There was a photographer there from the North County Times and a picture of our family jumping rope made it into the newspaper the following day!More jumping rope!
Jude and his favorite person!
In line at Disneyland
The boys got to meet Buzz and they were so excited.
We went to a Giants/Padres game and the Giants won! Go Giants!! We also got there early enough for batting practice and Joey caught two baseballs, which the kids have now inherited.
Dede and Papa with 8 of their 9 grandchildren. We missed you Parker!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Wood Family Reunion 2010
Posted by Katie Anderson at 7:41 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Newport News
We spent a week with Joey's family in Newport Beach a few weeks ago. We had a great time and felt like we were a thousand miles away even though we were only 20 miles from our house.
Here is Hayden and her cute cousin, Kylie, in their matching swimsuits.Here is Jude playing with his cousin Jared. Jared is awesome with kids and we were grateful to have him there to keep Jude happy!
This is Jude's first time playing in the sand...
Jude finds sand and...
decides to eat sand! He probably would have continued to eat it had I not picked him up!
We spent a day at Disneyland and Hayden fought Darth Vader at the Jedi Training Academy! She rocked it!
This pictures is totally random and not from our trip but I love it! Lincoln wanted to play "pool" and I thought he wanted to put his action figures in a bin full of water, but no, he wanted to get in the "pool."
Posted by Katie Anderson at 9:18 PM 0 comments