After Santa's visit, we had a wonderful Christmas dinner. The ham was a little dry but I will try to remedy that for next year.
We headed into the family room and started our Christmas Eve program. The kids acted out the nativity as Joey read from the scriptures.
The sheep (he was a lively sheep and almost was kicked out of the manger)
Spencer was a shepherd and this is when the shepherds were sore afraid when an angel came to them.
Mary and baby Jesus.
Joseph and Mary
Then I read The Boots Story (it's a story that Joey has read on Christmas Eve since he was a little kid). Then Hayden and I sang "Silent Night". It was a special evening and I'm grateful I was able to spend it with my cute, little family.
The kids had a busy day and went to sleep without a fuss! And they even slept in until 7am. We usually get a wake-up call around 6:15 so this was a huge treat. Then we made our way downstairs and the kids opened all their presents. They made out like bandits. It's so fun to see their excitement!
My mom made the kids the cutest pillows! Jude LOVES his!The big kids all got razor scooters from Santa. The wheels light up and everything!
Jude was one happy boy this morning!
Lincoln got a Panda hat from Nonni and Bobpa!
Hayden got a 1959 Barbie!
The boys all got Giants hats from their cousins! They look awesome!
The boys got new Xbox games and they love playing them!
My sweetheart got me a beautiful watch and slippers! It was a great morning and I'm looking forward to church this afternoon and focusing on my Savior and His birth.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Continued
Posted by Katie Anderson at 11:52 AM 2 comments
Christmas 2011
It's been almost a year since I've posted and I'm making a goal to do better. This blog is a great place for me to journal and facebook just doesn't cut it! So here's to making (and remembering) memories!
We have had a great Christmas! On Christmas Eve morning we went on a hike with our great friends, the Franklins. They've been some of our best friends since our time at UCLA and it's great having them live so close!
After we got home from our hike, we started into our Christmas Eve traditions. I had ham baking, rolls rising, potatoes cooking and the house was feeling like Santa should be here any moment...and guess what?!? He came early to check in with the kids. He said that because they had been super good he was visiting a few special children. Hayden was in SHOCK! Spencer and Lincoln loved ringing Santa's bells. Jude was a little apprehensive but once Santa handed him a lollipop and candy cane, he was won over! Santa gave the kids their Christmas jammies and sang a few carols with them. He had to hurry off because he had to get ready for his Christmas deliveries and we were so happy he stopped by for a few minutes.
Each child got to sit on Santa's lap! It was amazing! He knew all their names and he even knew Bobby, our elf!Santa had to hurry off and the kids all gave him a big hug.
The kids were so excited to get their jammies from Santa. Hayden got a bathrobe and the boys got elf jammes (I told them their jammies are thermal jammies and elf's wear thermal jammies up in the North Pole)
Posted by Katie Anderson at 11:32 AM 1 comments