Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meanwhile, Back at the Baby Factory . . .

One of the joys of having twins is that I got very stretched out with the pregnancy. My body has tried to slim down and I've held my gut in for far too long. We received the exciting news that we are expecting Baby #4 and I would have waited to spread the news but my belly is doing the spreading for me! Baby Anderson will make its arrival in early December 2009.


Elizabeth said...

Congrats baby sista! :) We are excited for the new baby anderson ...

karin said...

Congratulations! I thought so but didn't want to ask since I am "anti-social" and the few times I see you, "hey, are you pregnant?" And you are NOT showing at all, by the time I was as far along as you, I was wearing bigger pants and bigger shirts.

betsey said...

SO EXCITING! We are thrilled for you guys! What great news!

Karolyn said...

Congratulations. That's so exciting. I hope that you are feeling well.

Nadia said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting!!! Four is perfect and I hope it is not going to be four and five... just kidding ;-)Such a wonderful news and hope you are feeling allright.

Ryan and Emily said...

Congrats to you!! We must be only a few weeks apart. How fun! How are you feeling? I know I feel like I look at least 4 months pregnant! I had to start telling people or people were going to start asking.

Morgan Moore said...

Hooray!!! Congratulations! What a lucky little baby to join your sweet family!!


Carr Family said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting. Are your kids excited? What a lucky little baby to be able to come into your home. You are just having one baby right? ;)

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Congratulations, Katie! I know how you feel about "the belly doing the spreading for you." I am 13 weeks prego also and started showing at about 8 weeks! (I haven't announced it yet, because I am waiting to surprise me family when I see them in June). Hope you are feeling well, you are amazing!

MaryClaire Brown said...

yay! congratulations! you're amazing.

Bethany said...

I still don't think you look pregnant! And I hope it's a girl because I like even numbers and I already have the cutest gift - I've just been waiting for someone to have a girl.

Darcy and Shawn Patterson said...

yeah!! congrats!! :) that is so exciting... i miss you, we really need to get together!!

Austin and Kelli said...

Yeah! Congrats that is so exciting! Sorry I missed you at the bbq, Austin's family was all going to Disneyland so he wanted to go too.

Poelmans said...

NO WAY!!! You guys rule! Congrats!

Christy said...

Congratulations!!!! Hope you are feeling well...do you think it will be twins, again???

Sarah Brittingham said...

yeahhhhhh!!!! Very excited for you guys!!! thanks for sharing the good news!!!

Bethany said...

We are so excited for you! I can't believe you are going to be the momma of four. Wasn't it just yesterday we were making up dances and wearing our matching "limited" shirts. Congratulations and lots of love to your growing fam! PS. You coming out this summer?

Rick and Janae said...

Congratulations! That is such great news!!

Blake and Meg said...

Congrats Congrats! That is so exciting!

Darci said...

so I am due on December 4th what is your due date???? It will be so fun to be so close together.

Jackie and Bryan said...

You are one brave girl!!! That is awesome!! I'm sure the baby will be loved by all!!!

Bryn Stucki said...

Awesome! How fun!! Is it twins?...I bet everyone asks you that now. I am so excited for you! You are a fantastic mom, a lucky little kid whoever he/she is!

Cody, Allison, Kaitlyn and Andrew said...

Congratulations on the lil bun in the oven!

Kleinhenz Family said...

Katie- me too! I am due Dec. 10th When are you due?