Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Spencer's Joyride

Grocery store trips are always a bit of an adventure. This week I went to Von's with all the kids like normal. The boys get in the car part of the cart and Hayden rides up in the cart. Without fail, one of the boys hits, kicks, or bites the other one and he loses his turn in the car. Things were going smoothly until Spencer decided to reach his hand out while I stopped so Hayden could show me the princess Spaghettios. He grabbed a glass jar of salsa and CRASH, it broke on the ground. A very nice bagger came and cleaned it up. Then on this trip, Lincoln bit Spencer so Lincoln lost his turn in the car. I was trying to hurry because things really weren't going well. I purchased all the groceries and headed to the van. I leaned the cart against the bumper and Hayden got out of the car and into our van, I got Lincoln out of the cart and into the van...when I returned to the back of the van, the cart was gone. I looked around and realized to my horror that the cart was 30 feet away and rolling across the parking lot...with Spencer still inside. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed the cart. My heart was racing! Spencer was totally oblivious to the danger and looked at me like he was upset that I had stopped his fun. These kids are going to be the end of me!


karin said...

You seriously have the best adventures...well, minus the broken jar of salsa. Those carts are such a pain to push around but the best at keeping the kids entertained (for about half of the grocery shopping whether it is 15 minutes or 45 minutes they know when you are half way through).

Abby said...

I HATE going to the grocery store with all three kids....but I laughed so hard when I read that!! How dare you want him to be safe and ruin his ride!

betsey said...

Wow! That is hilarious! I'm so glad that Spencer is okay (and didn't even realize that he was in danger :)...) Grocery shopping is hard with just one, I can't imagine leaving the house with three!

Dede said...

Katie you are doing a great job. So glad Spence is alright. It is so great that you are writing your adventures down. Those kids make me smile all the time :) And I remember going shopping. Had to have two carts. One for the kids and one for the food.

Bethany said...

That is so scary! That happened to Jack 2 weeks ago, but at our house. He rolled down the driveway and across the street before he crashed into the curb in his little car.
Shopping trips are so fun. :<) I always bribe my kids with the free cookies at Vons' bakery.

Heidi said...

That sounds all to familiar! These are hard days but ones you will miss when they are in kindergarten (like me!) The boys are getting so big. I love their buzzes! The journal entry was so sweet too. You are such a great mom. Keep up the good work!

Blake and Meg said...

I am so sorry Katie... I have been there, but I'm sure it is only 1/3 of the horror. I can hardly to the grocery store with one kid, I don't know how you do it. Just keep remembering that your reward is in heaven!!!

tawni said...

Oh, Im trying not to laugh. I can't help it :) To make you feel better, my one equals your three. I don't know what I am going to do with more! I was at Pavillions awhile back and I was unloading the groceries into the car before I unloaded the child (that won't happen again) and I hear a woman scream bloody murder. I look and to my surprise Sofia is rolling down the road! I ran after her also ;) I got some super dirty looks.