Sunday, January 22, 2012

I hate snack time!

I feel like I feed my kids ALL the time (most of you feel the same way, I'm sure)! It's gotten to the point where I feel like I can't keep up with their need to eat so I decided to get organized so they would always have good, healthy snacks on hand. Here is what I came up with (I'm sure there are many mothers who have come before me who have done something similar but it took me 7 years to figure this out!)

Here is the "Pantry Basket". It's available any time the kids want it and it's within their reach.

In it, I put apple sauce, pudding, fruit roll-ups (the all fruit kind), graham crackers and rice cakes.

Then we have a snack area for the fridge. The kids are welcome to eat anything in it. (It's the red bin on the bottom shelf)

In this fun bin we have apples, grapes, cucumbers, carrots and cheese. The yogurt wouldn't fit, but yogurt is available too.

My goal is to refill the snack areas once a week and if the kids get hungry at times besides meal times then I tell them to head to the snack bin/'basket. It's made my life a lot better!


Abby said...

Love it!! I am so going to try this!!

MaryClaire Brown said...

Love it!!! It was right around when Dylan was born and they always seemed to be STARVING for a snack the second I sat down to nurse him that I started doing the same thing.

Elizabeth said...

Love it! What a great idea!! You're such a good mommy.

Kelli said...

Great idea!